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  • Writer's pictureBridget

Show up & Create: My first post

Hey y'all, I'm Bridget and welcome to my blog where I share lifestyle, my wellness/fit journey, a little bit of tech, and everything in between. I'm so glad you're here, but to be honest, procrastination and fear kept me from even starting this blog. I am sure you can relate to having similar feelings of anxiety and being afraid to do something you feel called to, am I right?

I will pop in every once in a while to talk about soul-care, self improvement, and my journey to a new career! I am a full-time wife, mommy, and an IT developer trying to live peacefully and whole in my own fractal little world.

Our environment and everyday living is heavily influence in some way, right? You have co-workers, family and friends, media, and social media. Having easy access to anything at your finger tips can be so consuming and confusing. And as for me, I was extremely overwhelmed with all this information I easily had access to download. My soul and self was deteriorating and I desperately needed to discover boundaries or margins to take care of me and to reach the goals that was placed on my heart.

We all live busy lives and it’s essential to create margin in our lives. Google says, margin provides an edge or boarder around something or someone. I realized by making margin I remember I have limits, and that made room for rest, self-care, and grace. Life is not just about producing or hustling, but who God called us to be. Margins make room for growth, evolution, and a sweet life.

I was back and forth on creating a blog or podcast, and using that dilemma to not start anything. But through pray, really knowing my limits, and listening to God wholeheartedly, the Spirit said Just Show UP! LOL.. So here I am! Scared and all ☺️

I have plenty of insecurities that should stop me, but I feel sharing little parts of my life and lessons learned I can influence positivity. If you are back on forth on an idea you have, Just Show UP, and let God do the rest.


Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works. James 2:26

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